Check Out + Renew

Most items may be checked out for 3 weeks. Exceptions include:
- DVDs: 1 week
- Magazines: 1 week
- Adult New Fiction: 1 week
- Library of Things: 1 week
- eBooks and eAudiobooks: 2 weeks
Our library is connected to other libraries throughout the state and nation. If you can’t find an item in this library, ask library staff to help you get it from another library!
You can return your items at the following locations:
- Outside drop box located near the parking lot
- Inside the library at the Adult or Children Circulation Desks
Special items that must be returned to the circulation desk:
- Library of things materials
- Wifi Hotspots
- Vox Books and Wonder Books
Most materials may be renewed two times (if no one else has placed a request for the item):
- Online on your account
- By calling (515)832-9100 during our open hours
- In person at the circulation desk
You can place a hold:
- online on your account
- in person at the circulation desk
- by calling us at (515)832-9100
Your items will be stamped with the due date when you check out your items. If you are signed up for e-mail notifications, courtesy reminders are sent two days before an item’s due date. Overdue notices are sent shortly after your items are due.
Kendall Young Library no longer charges late fees on overdue items (excluding Library of Things and Interlibrary Loans).
If a Library of Things item or an ILL is returned late, the patron will be responsible for a late fee of $2.00 per day. There is a one day grace period.
Items that are lost or damaged are still subject to replacement fees. If a lost item is returned, the replacement fee is usually waived. If the item has been damaged, has already been replaced by the Library, or if the item was billed more than one year ago, the replacement amount will only be partially refunded or not at all.
A lost item is defined as an item that has not been returned within 60 days of the due date.
Borrowing privileges
are blocked when:
- A patron has any items
overdue more than 7 days
- Library of Things and Interlibrary Loans are overdue by 1 or more days.
- Patron
with library account balances of $5.01 and more
A lost item is defined as an item that has not been returned within 60 days of the due date.
Items that are lost or damaged are still subject to replacement fees. If a lost item is returned, the replacement fee is usually waived. If the item has been damaged, has already been replaced by the Library, or if the item was billed more than one year ago, the replacement amount will only be partially refunded or not at all.
Borrowing privileges are blocked when:
- A patron has any items overdue more than 7 days
- Library of Things and Interlibrary Loans are overdue by 1 or more days.
- Patron with library account balances of $5.01 and more